I Don’t Understand Stupid People Maybe I Should Take One Apart To See How It Works Shirt
Apparently the creature was swaying and kept closing its eyes for long periods of time. I have been told that the original footage was on an SD card that was, unfortunately (or conveniently) lost in a house fire. So this is all that remains of the footage. This is amazing. Have you been in contact with the person who took the video? I’ve heard a lot of stories with the swaying. It might not always work, but at least we’ve tried and can live knowing that. Bangkok Policeman: hugs attacker, talks to him, solves the situation non-violently, gets him food and a guitar. Holy shit. This is the pinnacle. This is what a human is supposed to be like. This kind of video shows the real good that cops can do. I feel like so many people, including much of the media, try to paint them in this dark light, and while there are dirty cops out there, most cops, I’d wager, just want to do things like this: saving people with absolutely minimal damage and loss of life.
I Don’t Understand Stupid People Maybe I Should Take One Apart To See How It Works Shirt
Reviewed by Tin Học Giải Trí
tháng 6 22, 2020