I Do It Because I Can I Can Because I Want To I Want To Because You Said I Couldn’t Shirt
I went through about a 5 year period where I drank copious amounts of booze. Your body builds a tolerance, and before long it took a few shots and a few mixed drinks to really get a good buzz going. I started to believe this guy was immortal. Then I saw him live in the fall of 2018 and thought man he does not look good. Lemmy said no that’s yours, handed it back, and opened one of his own. Genetic lottery is the real MVP. One person can smoke for 2 years and get lung cancer, another can smoke for 40 and never get it. Our grandchildren will have to ask “what kind of world are we going to leave behind for Keith Richards?” After that, all the drugs and alcohol have actually mummified your body, granting you immunity to the effects of aging.
I Do It Because I Can I Can Because I Want To I Want To Because You Said I Couldn’t Shirt

Buy this shirt here: I Do It Because I Can I Can Because I Want To I Want To Because You Said I Couldn’t Shirt
I Do It Because I Can I Can Because I Want To I Want To Because You Said I Couldn’t Shirt

I Do It Because I Can I Can Because I Want To I Want To Because You Said I Couldn’t Shirt, hoodie, tank top, sweater and long sleeve t-shirt

Buy this shirt here: I Do It Because I Can I Can Because I Want To I Want To Because You Said I Couldn’t Shirt
I Do It Because I Can I Can Because I Want To I Want To Because You Said I Couldn’t Shirt
Reviewed by Tin Học Giải Trí
tháng 6 20, 2020